Timor Leste – Resistance and Independence Tour


Tour itinerary can be seen below.

1 15/10/2024

Arrive into Dili

• Arrival into Dili Airport where you will be met and transferred to our hotel.

• We start the tour by visiting the Motael Church and the site of the 1991 massacre at Santa Cruz Cemetery. We will then visit the Resistance Archive museum before taking a stroll through the Taibessi fruit and vegetable market, and visiting the Tasi-Tolu Peace Park

• At sunset we visit Areia Branca beach.

• Overnight in Dili.

Day 0 photo 1

2 16/10/2024

Journey to Baucau

• We depart for Baucau with a scenic coastline drive, stopping at the Hera Mangroves study centre to see wild monkeys and the Metinaro Heroes Park.

• Arrive in Baucau in time for lunch and then check into our hotel.

• Drive to the historical town of Venilale, where we will visit tunnels excavated by the Japanese during WW2, and watch the process of local widow women weaving Tais, a traditional Timor-Leste textile.

• Late afternoon return to Baucau for dinner.

• Overnight in Baucau.

Day 1 photo 1

3 17/10/2024

Relax on Jaco Island

• After breakfast we continue down the coastline toward Tutuala.

• The drive to Tutuala village will have several stops to small villages with various cultural highlights, such as seeing a traditional Fataluku house and pay a visit to ancient tombs.

• We will also journey through the National Park down to Valusere beach.

• After lunch, time permitting, we will be able to trek to Ili-kere-kere to see the old rock paintings, and also take a fisherman's boat across to Jaco Island for leisure.

• Overnight in a local lodge.

Day 2 photo 1

4 18/10/2024

Lospalos Town

• After breakfast, we depart toward Lospalos Town.

• We will pay a visit to the Loud Women Cooperative with the option of purchasing high quality handicrafts.

• We will also have the chance to visit another traditional Fataluku house to learn about the traditional ancient storyteller in Raça-village.

• Next we will continue onto Baucau and stop for lunch.

• Afterward, we will continue driving back to Dili with plenty of scenic stops along the way.

• Overnight in Dili.

Day 3 photo 1

5 19/10/2024

Explore Aileu and Maubisse

• Today we drive inland through the winding mountain roads toward Aileu and Maubisse.

• Here we will visit the Dare WWII Memorial and Café, Aikluar Coffee demonstration plant, the Dili Vanilli vanilla demonstration plant and then stop for lunch.

• After lunch, we will go for a walk in Aileu and Maubisse market, then head to Lekitei village. Here we will hike to a waterfall and visit the Mambae ethnic sacred house.

• We will then continue onto Hatobuilico where we will check into the hotel and have dinner.

• Overnight in Hatobiilico.

Day 4 photo 1

6 20/10/2024

Climb to Mt Ramelau

• An early start! We wake up at 3:00AM to climb up Mt. Ramelau (optional) to witness the sunrise (weather permitting)

• We will then return for breakfast before departing back to Dili.

• Along the way we will visit the Nicolau Lobato statue at Aisirimou-village, and also visit the Seloi lagoon and Fatisi waterfall before arriving back to Dili where we will visit the Resistance Museum.

• Tonight there will be a farewell dinner.

• Overnight in Dili.

Day 5 photo 1

7 21/10/2024

Tour Ends

• Today the tour ends. You are free to depart at any time.


  • - Twin Room Shared Accommodation
  • - All Transport
  • - Airport Transfers
  • - Local English speaking guide
  • - Lupine Travel tour leader
  • - Water - it is recommended to bring a filtered water bottle
  • - The following meals: day 1 dinner only, day 2-6 breakfast, lunch and dinner, day 7 breakfast only
  • - International Flights
  • - Visa / Visa Fee
  • - Single Room Supplement
  • - Alcohol
  • - Snorkeling Equipment
  • - Departure Tax
  • Tour Price: £1485
  • Deposit: £500
  • Single Room Supplement: £290
Full info