Top Five Least-Touristy Tourist Attractions In The World

September 3, 2022
Photo by Denys Nevozhai 

The Eiffel Tower.

6.8 million tourists a year visit this romantic, metal structure. That’s more people than the entire population of Norway.

There’s no doubt you can think of other popular tourist attractions.

There’s the Coliseum in Rome, the Statue of Liberty in New York City, Macchu Picchu in Peru, and the Taj Mahal in India.

The list goes on and on.

But there are so many more. Off-the-beaten track destinations with only a few tourists reside in every part of our planet. From gigantic waterfalls in the Amazon Rainforest to pyramids built three thousand years ago in the Kushite Kingdom, here are five of the least-touristy tourist destinations in the world that you should check out.

5. The Tiger’s Nest Monastery

Photo by Sam Power

One of the finest Buddhist temples in the world.

Paro Taktsang, a.k.a. the Tiger’s Nest, is a sacred Tibetan Buddhism site on a cliffside in the Paro Valley of Bhutan.

The legend of this holy place goes back to the 9th century. The Buddhist Guru Padmasambhava came across a cave here and mediated. Centuries later, in 1692, a proper monastery was built. Today it remains a holy site for followers of Tibetan Buddhism and a symbol of Bhutan’s adherence to traditional ways of life.

Getting to the monastery is half the fun. Gorgeous scenery ranging like endless pine forests and misty peaks awaits you during your hike through the Bhutanese wilderness. It’s a two to three-hour trek and worth every second.

Whoever built Tiger’s Nest on a nine-hundred-meter cliffside is a brave soul. But their efforts have paid dividends. The monastery is a breathtaking sight, enhanced by the surrounding countryside.

If you’re going to Bhutan, a trip to this UNESCO World Heritage Site is an absolute must.

4. Itchan Kala Fortress

Walking the streets of this sprawling fortress will leave you feeling like a medieval caravaner about to embark across the desert to Persia.

Fifty-one structures such as minarets, madrassahs, mosques and mausoleums are within the fortified walls of this Uzbekistani fortress, each an outstanding example of Central Asian Islamic architecture.

Some of the structures you can find here are the Djuma Mosque, the Madrasah of Alla-Kulli-Khan, the Mausoleums of Pahlavon Mahmoud, and markets open for business since the fortress’s inception.

The remarkable aspect of Itchan Kala is how well preserved it is. Every renovation has used the same building methods as when the fortress was initially built.

Central Asia is a place of wonder. Most people never give it the chance it deserves, but if you ever voyage to this region, stop by Itchan Kala Fortress.

3. Kaieteur Falls

Photo by David Stanley

The sheer power of Kaieteur Falls boggles the mind.

It’s the largest single-drop waterfall by water volume in the world—thousands of cubic metres of water cascade down a two hundred and fifty-one-metre drop.

Witnessing this natural spectacle is not just a visual experience.

Deep roars from the falling water shake you to your core. The mist forms a lovely rainbow that adds to the dark, green jungle surrounding the rainforest. Mother Nature is at her finest here.

Twice as big as Victoria Falls, four and a half times bigger than Niagra Falls, Kaieteur Falls is massive. While it is a significant tourist attraction in Guyana, it remains under the radar for most travellers. If you’re for natural wonders on an epic scale, you’ve got to check out Kaieteur Falls.

2. Danakil Depression

Ethiopia may not be the first place that comes to mind when planning a holiday, but don’t count it out.

This landlocked Horn of Africa country contains fascinating scenery ranging from mountains and valleys to semi-deserts and steppes. One area you’ll find especially fascinating is the Danakil Depression. This slice of boiling land near the border of Eritrea and Ethiopia is warm. Really warm. Hottest-place-on-Earth-in-terms-of-year-round-average-temperatures warm.

After putting on a healthy amount of sunscreen, prepare to venture out into this arid land and search for the creatures that call it home. Most life out here is not visible to the human eye. Instead, organisms in the Danakil Depression are microscopic, feeding on the smelly, sulphuric air the hot springs produce.

These microorganisms create a vast array of colours, giving the whole place an otherworldly vibe.

Though the temperatures are scorching, Danakil Depression is the perfect place to catch sight of bubbling hot springs and learn about organisms which live in them. Scientists have been investigating this area as it might explain the origins of life—a perfect reason to check out the Danakil Depression.

1. Pyramids of Meroë

Pyramids of Meroë in Sudan

Overshadowed by their Egyptian siblings, the Pyramids of Meroë are ready for their turn in the spotlight.

This collection of nearly two hundred pyramids in Sudan isn’t nearly as old as the ones found in Egypt. Those Egyptian pyramids are two millennia older and much bigger. But that doesn’t mean the Pyramids of Meroë are any less spectacular.

What they lack in size and age, they make up for in number. This is one of the largest collections of pyramids around. A visit here is a chance to take a trip through time before most civilizations today even existed.

Throw in sweeping, Saharan dunes, gorgeous lighting from sun up to sun down, and maybe even a camel ride, and you have a perfect desert holiday at the Great Pyramids of Meroë.

Lupine Travel runs tours to all these destinations and many more. We do tours to over 35 different countries. Our mission is to support the local economy, protect the environment, and give you an unforgettable adventure.

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Author Lupine Travel
2022 Sep 03
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